Gavrilets, S., Li, H., and Vose, M.D. 1998. ``Rapid speciation on holey adaptive landscapes'' Proceedings of the
Royal Society London B 265 : 1483-1489
A classical view of speciation is that reproductive isolation arises as
a by-product of genetic divergence.
Here, individual-based simulations are used to evaluate whether the
mechanisms implied by this view may result in rapid speciation
if the only source of genetic divergence are mutation and random genetic drift.
Distinctive features of the simulations are the consideration
of the complete process of speciation (from initiation until completion), and
of a large number of loci, which was only
one order of magnitude smaller than that of bacteria.
It is demonstrated that rapid speciation on the time scale of hundreds of generations is plausible without the need for extreme founder
events, complete geographic isolation, the existence of distinct adaptive
peaks or selection for local adaptation.
The plausibility of speciation is enhanced by population subdivision.
Simultaneous emergence of more than two new species from a subdivided
population is highly probable.
Numerical examples relevant to the theory of centrifugal speciation and to
the conjectures about the fate of ``ring species'' and ``sexual continuums''
are presented.