Gavrilets, S. 2000. "Theories of allopatric and parapatric speciation."
In Dieckmann U. et al. (eds.)
Adaptive speciation.
Cambridge University Press (submitted)
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The metaphor of adaptive landscapes
- 3. Steps towards speciation on rugged adaptive landscapes
- Stochastic transitions between isolated adaptive peaks
- Shifting-balance theory scenario
- Founder effect speciation scenario
- Peak shifts by selection
- Divergence driven by selection for local adaptation
- 4. The Bateson-Dobzhansky-Muller (BDM) model
- Allopatric speciation in the BDM model
- Parapatric speciation in the BDM model
- 5. Holey adaptive landscapes
- 6. Speciation on holey adaptive landscapes
- Multiallele versions of the BDM model
- Multilocus versions of the BDM model
- 7. Concluding comments
- Box 1: Fixation of an underdominant mutation
- Box 2: Peak shift in a quantitative character
- Box 3: Terminology
- Box 4: Russian roulette model